Allah will not leave you believers as you are now until He has separated the impure from the pure; nor will Allah inform all of you about the unseen realm, but Allah picks out anyone He pleases from His messengers. So, believe in Allah and His Messenger, and if you believe and are mindful of Allah, then you shall have a great reward (Quran 3:179)
It is He Who joined the two seas together. One is sweet and palatable, the other brackish and bitter. He has placed between the two of them a barrier: an absolute restraint (Quran 25:53)The believers should not take kafirun/transhuman as friends/compromise/68:9 rather than the believers. Anyone who does that has nothing to do with Allah at all — unless it is because you are afraid of them. Allah advises you to beware of Him. Allah is the final destination. (Quran 3:28)
Industrial Revolution (4IR)?

The IoT/Transhumanist Revolution (Totalitarian)
(Peringatkanlah manusia) akan hari Kami bertanya kepada neraka Jahannam: “Adakah engkau sudah penuh? ” Ia menjawab: “Adakah lagi sebarang tambahan?” (Quran 50:30)
Klaus Schwab says by 2030, "You'll own nothing,
and you'll be happy"