Revolusi menghapuskan semua spesis manusia! There is no changing Allah´s creation. That is the true Deen (Quran 30:30) They will cut off cattle´s ears. I will command them and they will change Allah´s creation.´ Anyone who takes Shaytan ("change Allah´s creation") as his protector in place of Allah has clearly lost everything. He makes promises to them and fills them with false hopes. But what Shaytan promises them is nothing but delusion. The shelter of such people will be Hell... (Quran 4:119-121)
Krisis Kemanusian & Krisis Perlembagaan
- UN Sustainable Development Goals adalah The Great Reset; Totalitarianism World Order: Agenda 21/30
- Revolusi Perindustrian Keempat adalah Transhumanism; penghapusan spesis manusia menjadi Human 2.0.
- Covid-19 adalah penipuan bagi menghapuskan kedaulatan semua negara menjadi pemerintahan United Nations (World Economic Forum, Technocracy - You'll own NOTHING, and you'll be HAPPY - depopulation)
Apa itu IoT?
Transhumanist percaya "nyawa" atau "ruh" manusia terletak pada "otak", dan menjadikan manusia dapat hidup selama-lamanya selepas memindahkan otak ke Artificial Intelligence. Ini penipuan untuk menghalalkan depopulasi semua manusia melalui perundangan supaya membunuh manusia, dan MATI DIGANTIKAN SOFTWARE SEOLAH MASIH HIDUP. The picture of an elephant is NOT AN ELEPHANT!
We created mankind (body) out of dried clay formed from fetid black mud. We created the jinn (Qareen, soul) before out of the fire of a searing wind. When your Lord said to the angels, ´I am creating a human being out of dried clay formed from fetid black mud. When I have formed him and breathed My Ruh into him, fall down in prostration in front of him!´ (Quran 15:26-29)
Manusia ialah:- Jasad (dan Otak / ~ Kenderaan)
- Ruh (Spirit / ~ Pemandu)
- Kemudiannya, Soul (Qareen / ~ Petrol)
Please provide solid scientific evidence that SARS-CoV-2 causes a discrete illness that matches the characteristics of all of the deaths attributed to COVID-19; "If you allow United Nations to break the law because of an emergency, they will always create an emergency to break the law."
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- Problem: Plandemic / PCR test pandemic
- Reaction: Lockdown
- Solution: The Great Reset & Transhumanism (4IR) - "PERBUATAN PENGGANAS"
Do not obey the kafirun/transhuman but use this to battle against them with all your might! (Quran 25:52)